Page 145 - Mousumi
P. 145
[subconscious mind] does what the that they matter. Let people know
boss commands [conscious mind]. what qualities you admire the most in
These are not mere words but the cause you never know what the
facts. person beside you is going through.
Guide to regaining self-esteem: Avoid indulging yourself in gossips
because it shows that you are insecure
The major step towards regaining our and have low self-esteem issues.
self-esteem is to embrace our true Always remember - "People with
selves. Instead of looking only at your small minds talk about people,
negative side, learn to appreciate your People with average minds talk
unique and good qualities and at the about things and people with great
same time, stay away from toxicity. minds talk about events".
Self-acceptance is the beginning of
self-love. Thank people when they complement
you. Help people and always remind
Turn the volume up when you get a yourself that no one owes you
positive thought and ignore the anything. Be thankful for every
negative thoughts. Spend your time situation and stay positive. Don't
with people who raise your energy blame others for your situation and
level helps you feel better about take charge of your own life.
yourself and distant yourself from
people who make you make you feel *****************************
inferior or unwanted. Make other
people feel that they are important;
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