Page 108 - Mousumi
P. 108
ounce of prevention is worth a pound certain pieces of information that
of cure!” gave me goosebumps!
this majestic sphere with his brilliant
I am that sort of person who
works, wrote King Lear during a
believes that quarantine cannot offer a plague!
solaced melodrama. Separation from
the loved ones, the loss of freedom, Sir ISSAC NEWTON:
uncertainty over disease status, Discovered the laws of gravity and
constant boredom… Does it feel invented calculus under quarantine!
good? But still, we must taste the Mary Shelly when she wrote
bitter things to earn sweet things! The FRANKENSTEIN was cooped up
question that clouded my mind was in the house because of the year
“Why don’t we make this peculiar without summer. Can’t she serve as a
circumstance a bittersweet one? Is motivating figure as well? So,
this the time to break or to be shouldn’t we buckle down and write a
productive?” The following words of masterpiece or invite a genre or
Monica Torres in HuffPost also discovering fundamental laws of the
added fuel to my chaotic fire, “Please universe in our quarantine! Let your
don’t be guilted into being more creative juices overflow in this
productive during coronavirus.” quarantine!
We, the youngsters, spend our time THANK OUR HEROES:
locked into the endless scroll of
twitter and instagram, all of which
reward constant immersion and
monitoring until they begin to feel
like duties rather than stuff that we
use for fun. We listen to audiobooks
at 1.5 speed to consume them more
efficiently. In my point, “Leisure in
this materialistic world is not truly
leisure, it’s a labor!”
LISTEN TO YOUR OWN SELF: This kind of picture pops up from
every corner of the world. Recently,
As the saying of Swami
we have seen that a doctor couple
Vivekananda “You are the teacher of
from Italy had passed away after
your own and you have to learn from
mistakes and give yourself a solidarity saving 134 patients. So, First and
time “Self isolation is in fact an foremost, let’s promise ourselves to
excellent opportunity to spend much Salute them all, brave workers all over
the globe. Their sacrifice and calm
time relaxing into the peace of your
countenance is awe striking! Hats off!
holy inner sanctuaries. At this
juncture, It is worthwhile to mention
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