Page 106 - Mousumi
P. 106
more, or she is hiding something one can even engage himself in his
from you then that is wrong. It is work so much that his/her mind gets
called over thinking. He starts over tired so that it does not have any
analysing the situation and as a result energy to think about useless things.
there are chances that the friendship One should throw off all the things
breaks. When you are going to which make him feel sad. As
perform anything on stage and you whenever our mind sees that thing it
start thinking what your friends and reminds us of the same and our mind
family members will think and you starts thinking over that matter again.
undergo hypertension and you may Over thinking is even harmful
even spoil your performance. In this for health. It can cause High blood
case he was nervous and he started pressure problems, back circles,
overthinking and over analyzing the headache, insomnia, can affect our
situation because of which working skills and lots more. Thus
performance spoiled. one can also tackle mind by thinking
One can never get rid of over about what will happen if he does not
thinking but we can control it. For stop thinking. As negative – negative
that if we keep on thinking that we becomes positive, in the same way
have to stop thinking on a particular over thinking can cut down over
topic then the mind does not stop to thinking.
think but think more about it. So one Like one enjoys the gentle flow
has to tackle mind smartly. of air one even enjoys the gentle flow
of thoughts in mind. It often happens
To control over thinking one that while thinking our work
can engage himself in different ways. accomplishes so fast that we do not
One can start writing what he is even notice.
thinking. It often happens that when ****************************
one starts writing, the mind stops to
think. It may have happened with
many students in exam that while
writing in exam initially thought
comes in mind but then mind stops
thinking. It specially happens during
essay writing. One can even throw his
mind in reading books, as books are
our best friend. One can even do
story writing or poetry writing as in
that we have to analyse our thoughts
deeply. By doing so our overthinking
gets converted to creative writing. Or
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