Page 103 - Mousumi
P. 103
immunity. Adoption of kitchen wastes health benefits. At times we tend
for organic manure and less harmful to cook beyond our necessity and
household-based wastewater are some end up wasting food not realizing
of the smarter ways to have one’s the number of resources and hard
own energy-efficient garden. People work put into it. In such a
can start using these techniques to situation’s food can be cooked
select plants that grow at a faster rate only in quantities needed or excess
to develop a new energy-efficient could be given to the needy.
garden and can start spending the Out of all the resources available on
quarantine period productively. planet earth, the most important
With the adoption of organic farming renewable energy resource is
in the household, we can effectively manpower or human energy. In the
restore the carbon content into the event of such a global crisis, instead
soil rendering its structural capacity of wasting such tremendous energy
and the ability to hold water during one could engage in activities for the
rainfall and release it during drought. betterment of mankind. These
It can also prevent erosion during the activities include making masks for
flood. Therefore, an energy-efficient the police and healthcare
organic garden can serve as an departments, engaging in social and
excellent tool for soil resource monetary support services for the
conservation needy. Such a positive energy
transformation could reduce our
If one is living in a residential country’s dependence on other
building, by having collaborative links countries.
with the neighbors one can save Considering people of different
energy resources by picking up several economic standards, blessed are those
groceries at one go. This can continue who have enough comforts and
in rotations. One could also purchase resources to live. But we often fail to
utilities required for an entire week or appreciate the comforts that we have
month depending on the nature of and do not bother about the number
the product at one go instead of of resources we waste. If our future
riding to the stores on a day to day generations are to remember us with
basis. These techniques can help save gratitude, then we must leave them a
money and fuel resources. glimpse of all the comforts that we
One could also use cheaper and have instead of narrating them the
healthier food alternatives stories of comforts that we had. We
according to seasonal availability do not have the right to rule and
and accessibility. Example: We decide the nature of the environment
could use mangoes instead of in which our future generations are
tamarind based on the local supposed to live. We are responsible
seasonal availability. Such to leave behind a planet that is
alternatives can help us save habitable to all the species. These
money without compromising the responsibilities require the