Page 113 - Mousumi
P. 113
for your mind, give power to the motivated, be confident about
protective shield by repeating strong yourself. Your life is worthy and is a
affirmations for your mind daily, this gift to you by the mighty God. Don’t
will help to attract only positive destroy it due to the worst words of
energy and to distract the negative such negative people. “The world is
energy. Start repeating an affirmation full of players, you have to make an
in your mind whenever someone effort to be a Coach to lead those
starts up with their negative vibes. players.” Everyone is talented and
Something like, “I am a powerful soul does more and more to express their
and motivated human being, I attract hidden talents. Don’t hide yourself
only positive energy into my life.” behind the walls because of anyone’s
This will work and help you a lot. words. Stand up and run, run, you will
Their effort must not control your surely succeed either soon or later.
personality. If you will get depressed
Moreover, as we also constitute part
by their effort, then your own lifestyle
of people’s population, we all should
will be destroyed, not theirs. So, when
people say anything negative about also be aware of the fact that our
words must not affect anyone’s
you, then just become deaf and if by lifestyle. Think first and then speak. It
mistake you listen to them then, take is always better to mind your mind at
their words as a challenge and show
first, so that your words must not
them what you really are, prove their
trouble anyone’s state of mind.
thinking, their words as wrong. Teach
Master your life at first, not of others.
them a new lesson about yourself. Moreover, whatever you give is what
Try to remain untouched by their you get. If you will spread positivity
vibrations. Be an energy transformer
among people in your environment
and try to possess a positive attitude
towards negative words. Now, the and the whole nation you will also get
choice is in your own hands, whether the same. We all are our true mirrors,
so be grounded with self-worth.
to get stroked by the sword in other Radiate happy and positive vibrations
people’s hands or to fight with their
to others. Keep smiling.
words by holding a sword in your
hand too. Carry your life with your
own style, that’s true lifestyle. Self- *****************************
introspection is the best inspection.
Be determined for yourself, be
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