Page 118 - Mousumi
P. 118
Alter the situation: She should have followed a healthy
Instead of thinking about her looks, lifestyle doing meditation and had
she could have thought of making her sufficient sleep to keep her mind free
career in sports as she was well-built and calm and be ahead with the thing
and fit. she likes to do the most and finds
Adapt to the stressor: interest in.
She should not have thought of the Just as we exercise to keep us
negative comments, despite she physically fit and healthy, and fight
should have considered the positive against diseases, similarly, we need to
things in her life. exercise our mind to keep us mentally
Adopt a healthy lifestyle:
Not come on time then what will time for study. So they are left behind
happen? In such conditions a person in class. On the other side the
cannot go for general as well as an children who do their work from time
important work on time. In this way to time are always first in class. So all
if we don’t do our work on time then people should walk in any mode of
we would have to suffer a lot. By not life with punctuality. It is important
giving respect to time and wasting it a for a better life. Students should go to
person may be left behind in many school on time. If they will be on time
works. Then people themselves say if and do work on time, then they will
they had done their work on time not get punished and will be
then they would never be last. impressive for teachers.
Some people work in a routine, they Conclusion:
have fixed time for eating, playing,
studying, sleeping etc. Such a person Time is the most valuable and
can never be left behind in any work. precious thing in the whole world.
Also, we should use it for good
On the other hand many people do
not have a routine of doing work, things. This will help us and the
playing etc. They waste time a lot. So society to progress towards a better
such people are always left behind in future. Moreover the parents should
their work. teach their children the importance
and the value of time. Wasting
Nowadays the children waste a lot of timewill only lead a person to cause
time. These children instead of issues to him/her and the people
studying waste time in playing with around the one. So I request you all to
friends, playing video games, be punctual and also one should not
watching T.V etc as they have not waste time.
made any routine and do not give any
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