Page 29 - Mousumi
P. 29
Weaver: Special Edition dedicated to ASPAM
How to curb fake
• Know your source
Make sure you know exactly who
provided the information for the
key areasto fight the spread of false reports you're reading. Is it a reporter
news in: on the ground? A bystander? An
• Disrupting economic "anonymous source" or "law
incentives because most false news is enforcement official?" Establish
financially motivated; where the information came from
When it comes to fighting false news, before trusting what it says. If there's
one of the most effective approaches no citation, don't share.
is removing the economic incentives • Don't just share stories based
for traffickers of misinformation. on headlines
We've found that a lot of fake news is Headlines aren't written to tell the
financially motivated. These whole story, especially in the midst of
spammers make money by a complicated situation where every
masquerading as legitimate news fact might not be clear. Sketchy
publishers and posting hoaxes that outlets might even share reports with
getpeople to visit their sites misleading headlines to drive clicks,
even if they don't accurately describe
• Building new products to curb the facts or completely understand
the spread of false news the situation. Make sure to actually
read everything you share.
Work with third parties to identify It needs to work across the
false news and prevent it from globe to help solve this problem:
spreading on our platform.
technology companies, media
companies, educational organizations
• Helping people make more
and our own community can come
informed decisions when they
together to help curb the spread of
encounter false news. misinformation and false news. By
We also need to make sure we focusing on the key areas outlined
take steps to address the problem above, we hope we will make
when people do encounter hoaxes.
progress toward limiting the spread of
To that end, we must explore ways to
false news and towards building a
give people more context about more informed community.
stories so they can make more
informed decisions about what to
read, trust and share and ways to give
people access to more perspectives
about the topics that they're reading.