Page 24 - Mousumi
P. 24

Weaver: Special Edition dedicated to ASPAM

                          get     new     jewellery    and        grand celebration which is marked by
                    household goods. It marks the start of        Bhai Dujh ritual in which sisters apply
                    celebration. Veneration on the day of         vermillion  on  the  foreheads  of  their
                    Diwali  begin  with  prayers  to  Lord        brothers  praying  for  their  long  lives
                    Ganesha      as    mythologically    it       and  brothers  promise  to  help  her  in
                    is believed  that  all  the  good  deeds      need. The festival of Diwali binds us
                    begin    with    worshipping      Lord        with our past  and promises to climb
                    Ganesha.  People  of different regions        the peaks of prosperity.
                    celebrate  according  to  their  own                While  Diwali  is  the  festival
                    customs  and  rituals.  While  some           of joy and prosperity, there are some
                    people decorate the entrance of their         people  who  direct  their  celebrations
                    homes  with  colorful  Rangoli,  others       in  a  wrong  manner!  There  are  many
                    use  leaves  to  decorate  their  houses.     people  who  resort  to  gambling  and
                    Diwali  has  a  special  relevance  for       drinking  on  such  an  auspicious
                    businessmen  and traders, as it  marks        occasion,  such  people  are  stigma  on
                    the  arrival  of  new  financial  year  for   our  society  and  bring  in  fame  and
                    them.    Businessmen      start    new        shame  to  our  culture.  Such  people
                    businesses  and  transactions  from           need  to  be  advised  and  reformed
                    Diwali.  It  has  been  found  that           through    proper     guidance     and
                    transactions worth millions are carried       counseling.   Another     bad    thing
                    on this day. Diwali is also “festival of      associated with Diwali is the burning
                    foods”.  People  prepare  delicious           of  crackers.  Burning  of  crackers  no
                    offerings  for  god  and  distribute          doubt give us a short lasting pleasure
                    sweets among relatives and friends to         but  it has  many  deleterious  effects
                    show their happiness and devotion to          also on  our  health.  The  burning  of
                    god.  The  celebrations  come to  a           crackers  causes  the  air  pollution.  It
                    climax  in  the  evening  when  people        deteriorates  the  quality  of  air  and
                    light their homes with Diyas, candles         makes  air  unfit  for us.  It  aggravates
                    and  electric  lights.  Whole  of  North      the  condition  of  asthma  patients.
                    India glitters with beautiful lights. It is   Recent  surveys  have  found  that  air
                    a  very  attractive  and  eye-catching        quality of metro cities is quite bad and
                    sight.  People  welcome  Goddess              it  raises  the  problems  of  air  borne
                    Lakshmi by keeping their doors open           disease  cases.  Not  only  humans  but
                    and burning crackers. Kids are at their       also  plants  and  animals  get  effected
                    best  enjoying  and  chirping  all  over.     by  the  polluted  air,  moreover  the
                    Lakshmi Pooja is performed in every           crackers  also  are  the  reason  behind
                    home  which  lasts  up  to  late  night.      many  fire  accidents  on  Diwali,  It  is
                    Next  day  is  “the  festival  for            therefore  advisable to  go  for  a
                    workers” known  as  Vishkarma  Pooja          “Cracker  free  Diwali”  or  at  least
                    in  which  all  the  craftsmen  and           setting a limit on burning of crackers
                    workers  worship  their  tools.    The
                    third  day  marks  the  culmination  of

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