Page 20 - Mousumi
P. 20
Weaver: Special Edition dedicated to ASPAM
By Bhadra Binish, ASPAM
Hello, I am BhadraBinish of grade 6 from ASPAM IIS. Today you are reading
about my craziest invention. My invention is making the impossible possible. So,
as you read the title, my inventions name is The Pet Talker, and no it is not a
robotic pet!
My invention is a drink that allows shine bright like a diamond. This
the animals to talk to us, I know is one of my best imaginative
it is crazy but yes that's what my invention yet but I am sure I will
invention is. Maybe it is not come up with much better and
possible but we have to look in crazier inventions in the nearest
all dimensions if we want this to future. My invention is something
work, well in my imagination it is a organic as I don't have to hurt
great and a crazy invention that animals. The ingredients will be
even might be useful in the real taken from many ancient
world. Every invention has a helpful ingredients and if I have to, I will
use behind it, even the craziest ones! travel around the world to make
My invention wants to help the this invention possible. My
world be a better place, by invention is going to be something
communicating with animals we can delicious so the animals won't
make this world a better place. refuse to drink it, and no there will
The reason why I used this be no side effects. I feel like The
invention out of a hundred other Pet Talker will stop people from
crazy ones I had imagined it harassing animals, at least they can
because I thought it was unique stand up for themselves. Hopefully,
and stood like a shining star my invention might be available at
among the rest of my inventions. a mere of 3030 or earlier and the
The Pet Talker was something no whole world will be using it !
one has heard of so I want it to