Page 25 - Mousumi
P. 25
Weaver: Special Edition dedicated to ASPAM
Natural disasters
By a student of ASPAM
Natural disasters occur when there is imbalance in nature mostly by humans. When
such imbalances occur natural disasters like floods, tsunami, wild fires, etc.
Causes of Flood Natural disasters can have huge
environmental impacts, as well even
when the cities or communities are
1.Heavy Rains: When it rains heavily unaffected.
the drainage systems are
overwhelmed and the water is not
able to get drained fast enough and
moreover most of the times, the Scientific Measures
drainage system back up and the to Prevent It:
water rises even more. This is due to
the constant heavy rainfall. Monitoring: Climate monitoring by
2. Overflowing Rivers:Heavy rainfall the National Oceanic and
is not necessary for floods to occur, if atmospheric administration and the
you live in an area which has large National Weather Service can help us
rivers flowing through the mountains, prevent the loss of life by giving pre
even a small amount of rain can cause notifications and alerts for
the overflowing of rivers. evacuations. The same can be done
3. Melting of Snow And Ice: Due to for preventing earthquakes by using
global warming, ice is being melted to seismometer which is used to detect
water which is increasing the amount the vibrations.
of water level in some areas because Technology has advanced so much
the melted ice has to go somewhere. now that earthquake proof buildings
have been built. Metal poles have
been made near buildings so that
Implications: there is no chance of the building
getting strike by the lightning.
Disasters can have a life-altering If all the people change a little
impact on the individuals and families lifestyle and our governments take
fortunate enough to survive them too. care of the natural treasures like
The effect of natural disasters can be forests, rivers, mountains and use the
felt at city level, state level or even at latest scientific technologies present
the country level. most of the natural disasters can be