Page 18 - Mousumi
P. 18

Weaver: Special Edition dedicated to ASPAM

                    Many  people  now  get  news  from            internet  works  by  people  has  also
                    social  media  sites  and  networks  and      contributed  to  an  increase  in  fake
                    often it can be difficult to tell whether     news  or  hoax  stories.  Social  media
                    stories   are    credible    or    not.       sites can play a big part in increasing
                    Information  overload  and  a  general        the reach of these type of stories.
                    lack of understanding about how the
                    There are also many different types of        But what can we do about
                    fake news. Clickbait which are stories
                    that are deliberately fabricated to gain      fake news?
                    more  website  visitors  and  increase        The    internet    announced      new
                    advertising  revenue  for  websites.          measures to tackle fake news with the
                    Clickbait  stories  use  sensationalist       introduction of reporting and flagging
                    headlines to grab attention and drive         tools.  Media  organizations  like  the
                    click through to the publisher website,       BBC  and  Channel  4  have  also
                    normally  at  the  expense  of  truth  or     established  fact checking sites. While
                    accuracy. Propaganda are stories that         these  are  welcome  developments,
                    are  created  to  deliberately  mislead       digital  media  literacy  and  developing
                    audiences, promote a biased point of          skills to critically evaluate information
                    view  or  particular  political  cause  or    are  essential  skills  for  anyone
                    agenda.  Biased  News.  Many  people          navigating  the  internet  and  especially
                    are  drawn  to  news  or  stories  that       for young people.
                    confirm  their  own  beliefs  or  biases
                    and  fake  news  can  prey  on  these
                    biases.  Social  media news  feeds  tend      How to spot fake news?
                    to display news and articles that they        There are ways in which one can stop
                    think  we  will  like  based  on  our         oneself  from  falling  for  fake  news.
                    personalized searches.                        Take  a  closer  look,  look  beyond  the
                                                                  headline  or  check  for  other  sources
                                                                  and facts.

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