Page 66 - Mousumi
P. 66
biggest problem in the entire universe. they are after all your family. Out all
You might think that you were the things in the world they will always
chosen one by god to endow upon think about your betterment. They
that problem. But let me tell you my might have been new parents who are
friend that you are not. Let me tell not good at parenting, yet. They
you that you are not the unluckiest might not be well versed with all the
person on planet Earth. Everyone in knowledge about your condition.
this universe is fighting their own They might not have taken the mental
battles. At first glance it might not aspect of physical disability into
seem that bad of a deal and that big consideration then. They might have
of a problem, but if you really go deep been surprised by the idea of a new
into their lives, you’ll notice that sibling in the house. But they never
they’re dealing with as big of a meant harm to you. Forgive them for
problem as you are. Someone might all the mistakes that they have made
be dealing with a financial, mental, or are still making. Tell them about
social, racial, gender-based, or cultural what you are feeling about a decision
problem of some form and shape. they made. Educate them about the
Even the rich and the poor are equally things that you have discovered about
facing problems just that they are on a your disability. But please forgive
different spectrum on the hierarchy of them because it is good for you as
needs. A person you might think is well as a relief for them.
the most privileged kid in town is also
facing with some problem or another And finally try to make friends who
are your friends not just because you
just that he is not allowed by the
society to voice any of his problems. have this disability but because they
genuinely want to be friends with you.
So, do not think of it like you are one
in a billion but think of it as though These friends will make you feel that
you are the most important person in
you are one among seven billion.
their lives and a normal human being
Thirdly, please forgive your parents at the same time. They will not
and your family members for any constantly remind you that you have a
mistake they did while handling and disability and treat you as alien who
treating your condition. Your parents should be treated very differently than
might have done something which everyone else. They will not shy away
they thought was the right move at from scolding you or shouting at you
that time. Your siblings might have just because you have a disability and
said or done something that that they they think you are not capable enough
thought was right. Your father must to deal with it. These friends will
have kept you out of some occasion ground you and bring you out of your
or activity because he thought it headspace and motivate you in
might be harmful for you. Your achieving everything and anything
mother might have done something that a human being can do. They will
because of their financial condition at share every thought and make you
that time. But let me remind you that feel comfortable enough so that you
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