Page 63 - Mousumi
P. 63
Civil Services : An Alternate Career
By Amrit Kaur
“The path is clear, but you have to hardwork for coming years; will be
be determined; to walk. You have pleasurous for you. It’s easy to
wings, but you have to be identify your interest through your
determined; to fly. Success is in skills, capabilities, desires and
your hands, but you have to be personality. According to my interest,
determined forever.” I want to see prosperous and peaceful
I wrote these lines to myself, when I society and want to contribute to my
first thought about my career. I society for education of children,
thought, our career is that portion of equal status of women and good
our life, in which you not only work governance at rural level. For the
hard to achieve it but after its same context, I believe
achievement you have to work hard implementation of government
to sustain it. That’s why, in quote; i policies, is a best way to fulfill these
mentioned that, ‘you have to be key features of development. Hence, i
determined forever’. Definition of want to become a civil servant who
career varies person to person. For works like a bridge between society
some people, career is an opportunity and government.
to proove themselves and for some, Civil servants plays majour role in
career is a medium to have luxurious development and progress of society.
life. According to me our career is a A civil servant is a government
standard version of your life, in which employee, who is connected to central
you learn with progressive manner government for implementation of
and implement it in your career life. government policies, which are made
Roots of career begin in our mind and by leaders. To become a civil servant,
then it starts moulding yourself to it’s necessary to clear entrance test of
achieve it. That’s why Buddha said Civil Services Examination, which is
“what you think you will become”. conducted by Union Public Service
Therefore, it is necessary to decide Commission. The test is divided into
your alternate career option. three stages in which first is
Interest plays majour role, while Preliminary exam, second is Mains
choosing career. As disinterest in any exam and last Personality Test.
career option leads to burden and Preliminary exam comprises two
boredom. So, you should choose that papers in which first are paper of
type of career, in which you are General Studies and another is Civil
satisfied then ultimately, your Services Aptitude Test. Both papers
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