Page 61 - Mousumi
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discussion further, it can safely be said this does not become a somnolent
that there are no right or wrong read for you!
choices. A decision is just a
Defining the problem entails breaking
steppingstone to an uncertain future
it down and cracking it open. Take a
that nobody can predict, even after moment to imbibe what you are
picking the amply assessed or facing, get a real sense of it, and only
thoroughly calculated option. Having then move forward. Proceed with
the resolve and resilience to make
categorizing it mentally, classifying it
things better and bounce back is an
based on its various attributes
all-important X factor.
including but not limited to its
Over the years people have developed uniqueness, consequences, and
various techniques to crack this importance. Although this process
enigma. Some of the common names might seem too long to execute, the
in this domain are Pareto analysis, time you will require to make a call
Decision trees, Pro/Con list, Delphi directly depends on the gravity of the
method, Trial and Error method, and situation. If the situation presented to
the list goes on. The application of you is something like a past
these methods is customary in experience, then proceed onto the
organizations and institutions. But next stage which is looking for a
when it comes to day-to-day instances precedent. Once you are successful in
most of these could stand futile owing doing that, dig a bit deeper and
to their time-intensive nature and compare the similarities and
inherent complexity. So, once again differences between the two and
we find ourselves right back to where elucidate and evaluate accordingly.
we started from! The most critical step is the
elimination of the choices. While it
I, like most of you, have spent most
might seem contrary to popular
of my life showcasing innate
opinion, which suggests picking the
indecisiveness and confusion. It was
because of these troubling best choices, I find it much easier to
experiences that I took it upon myself get rid of the worst ones. Eliminating
what is against your values, belief, and
to come up with a procedure to
opinions is the cornerstone of having
deduce any situation and come up
a clear mindset. It is often said never
with, not any right decisions but with
something that is wise and erudite in compromise on ethics and therefore,
nature. I call this method as D-C-P-C- it is vital you remove any such
E-C technique, a product of my options available to you that directly
contradict your school of thought.
ingenuity and/or boredom. The
obscure acronym stands for Define, The final step of choosing, once again
Categorize, Precedent, Compare, battling conventional dogma, is
Eliminate and Choose. For the sake something I believe is not much of a
of brevity, I will restrict myself to deal as society makes of it.
giving you only a brief idea so that Considering you have come to certain
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