Page 69 - Mousumi
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takes a decision, which is unfair to a seen as a sign of weakness or
selected number of people, people ineptness. This is the prime reason
often overlook the troubles if most of people fear confessing their
them are insensible to the issue. They misguided interpretations. This belief
believe in safety in numbers and is also the reason why many leaders in
cower away from challenging the power defend their poor decisions
government in fear of retribution. and choices even if they have come to
This is not to argue that no coercive realize they were wrong, falsely
act by the government is ever blaming others to cover their
justified. Instead, people must incompetence to prove they are
recognize the moral troubles inherent always right and worthy of respect
in coercion. Of course, if the and power.
convicted is accused of heinous
violence, brute force might be
Swallowing their pride and standing
applicable in his/her case but
up for their mistakes they have made
neglecting to examine the actions of
the government just because it is a takes a lot of humility and strength.
product of democratic system and Justifying their mistakes may lead to
bigger problems but admitting a
assuming everyone is supportive of its
mistake lessens the problem. For a
action is unjustifiable.
time being, the person may be
subjected to mockery, but learning
All people should change their views from their mistakes makes them a
if presented with considerable stronger and a resilient person and
evidence and arguments against their not inclined to repeat the same
initial hunch instead of relying on mistake. Reflecting on the situation to
ignorant assumptions that they may challenge one’s cognitive skills and
be correct. For example, the U.S.A. thinking is essential to make every
has vehemently denied contributing right opinion an inspiration to think
to global warming in years, blaming it right in future. People appreciate an
on newly emerging and developing honest person therefore admitting
economies for the cause. What they mistakes not only builds a stronger
fail to notice is that people are losing foundation for relationships but also
respect for the U.S government for allows one to take responsibility for
not only being dishonest but also their lives.
proving it to be unreliable. But
unfortunately, oftentimes people are
We do not believe what we see; we
over reluctant to assert their mistakes.
see what we already believe, hence
challenging your perceptions instead
People’s opinions do differ over time. of extracting sensible facts
It is just they do not accept that fact, complementary to our beliefs,
impelled by their ego and pride. opinions, and prejudices is necessary.
Admitting one’s mistakes is often Our perception is our reality therefore
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