Page 70 - Mousumi
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planning and apt organization. It acquainted with the theories and
also entails practical knowledge approaches of management to run
further furnished by continuous errands effectually.
practice for its perfection. The way
we manage things, either at work or Management on the whole webs the
home, reflects our application of art of effective communication,
intellect and creativity. persuasion and consistency, the art
to inspire others, and the art of
I reckon management, just like art, is delegation and empowerment too. It
a catharsis. It is a means of helping is the way of dealing with people
humans to facilitate their feelings to and circumstances. It is necessary
bring them out in the visual form. for every aspect of life as everything
Management has some kind of around us needs to be managed at
power to content the manager about some point in time.
his/her inner-self being respected. It
determines the level of acuteness The elders of our house deal with
and imagination within a soul. When our home's budget. Children manage
artistic ideas are put out to do their homework and adults
conspicuously, they are admired for look after their boss's happiness to
their success, prowess, brainpower, seek promotion. Companies manage
and emotional strength. to coordinate the efforts of their
employees to achieve their
In the business environment, the objectives. However, the one thing
production of management as an art which is commonly managed by
can be a lengthy and patience-testing each one of us is time.
process. However, when one has
experienced the entire struggle, Last but the foremost, art is anything
he/she can take a novel turn in that can be enjoyed, so management,
business leading to its betterment if produced as an art would be
and growth. Relatively, Abraham fruitful for the society and to the
Lincoln said, “The best way to produce.
predict the future is to create it.”
Thereby, a leader must be well
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