Page 84 - Mousumi
P. 84
where he could concentrate. Akarsh Rehan confronted him this as not the
hoped to find a better place than end of his life. Rehan had got a darker
home. All he found at the hostel were past to withstand.
peers who didn't let a newcomer join With a cold breadth, Rehan appraised
their group. And a handful of seniors his story in response. Both the boys
ragged him. Many of the times of sixteen were flooded with
harassed him to walk naked on the sentiments. Rehan, deep in his
floor. Other times to bald his head, at thoughts with a fragile tone began
once they forced him to fast for a day. disclosing how he was instigated with
He had no voice left for his defence. a bad company in school that taught
No friends, no roommate, no calls him to smoke and drug. And how
and visits from home, dad being out they changed his life when he
of the country for a business trip. He overused it. His parents refused to
deteriorated more in his academics. call him as son unless he rehabilitates
Sitting in the nook of the room, himself; rehab centre was his new
sometimes leaning over staircase home. He had no hopes in life left to
railings and for once in a day before a recover and already on the verge of
mirror to question himself what was losing one kidney. No matter how
his fault. And one day he refused to much he ignored, his body demanded
walk naked on the floor. He was drug intake and that was a sign of his
badly beaten up by the boys and that life to finish. That day he met Dr.
day he decided......... he decided to Jeevika, who was now handling his
hang himself through a rope. sinking case at the rehab centre. Days
Honestly, neither the rope nor the fan passed, and Dr. Jeevika and Rehan
had enough strength to drink away all were now friends, it was her trust that
his enormous pain. He was about to he would recover that spelled as
free himself from this living death...... magic on Rehan's health. Slowly he
But!!!!!!!!!!..... took his therapy sessions seriously
A knock changed his life....... and regularly, his medicines on
He saw a familiar face. He heard a time, and used his leisure time wisely.
shout of his name and before he Dr. Jeevika was the only human who
could formulate up to what was next believed him to be innocent and that
to happen, he was pulled down by he would recover soon and her small
someone, some savoir probably, corner saved Rehan from sinking.
Rehan was his name, and he was his And today Rehan was the corner for
classmate and now his new the sinking Akarsh.
roommate. Rehan had been shifted to
his room after his room ceilings got *****************************
An overnight and Akarsh briefed
every incident of his life to Rehan.
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