Page 88 - Mousumi
P. 88
them. Then child show a fear to spoiled. Like vise children should be
represent something to others. It allowed to associate good friends.
affects the personality. Adults should Children should be taught to identify
show sympathy towards them and good and faithful friends, due to bad
should help them to find the solution friends can persuade child to do illegal
or to train/ practice, because every and wrong things such as stealing.
child can’t do their work themselves. And also child can be addicted to
If some child is weak in logical things drugs and alcohol due to association
such as mathematics, he or she should of bad friends. If the parents are the
be encouraged to do creative things best friends of children, children
such as drawings, music. But many never hesitate to tell their questions
parents like to be their children a and they never try to find best friend
doctor or engineer. When they from outside. The best friend of a
persuade child to go ahead from that person can do a big role for his
side without identifying child’s talents, future. All best friends can’t be
child become weak and he fell in a reliable. If he is a jealousy person, he
trouble due to child can’t do a thing interferes to friend’s path. Parents
which is unknown or difficult. Then never do any wrong to their child
future of the child can be collapsed. deliberately. Parents should listen to
When children go ahead on a path children and they should give
which is good and favorite, they can appropriate answers by being a good
reach to a good position. example to children. Every parent
Due to love and affectionate, should try to deal with children as a
some parents don’t advise and punish best friend to bring forth a good
to child’s wrongs. Children should be citizen.
given affection. They shouldn’t be
cuddled too much and they shouldn’t ************************
be punished too much. Otherwise
children become stubborn.
Sometimes even though parents deal
wild child carefully, children can be
spoiled due to bad friends. When Bad
apples are kept near the good, fresh
apples, good apples also become
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