Page 87 - Mousumi
P. 87
By W.I.M Withanage
they imitate adults and they think that
Children are the human beings there is nothing wrong with them.
between the birth and puberty. Children can’t identify right or wrong
Children learn different things from until they mature. It depends and it is
their parents, society, environments different from child to child. Adults
and experiences. Due to their should be careful when they behave in
curiosity, they ask lot of questions to front of children. And also
understand unknown things. Their remembers about domestic violence
parents and other adults should be can be a reason for depression of
patient and listen. Even though the children. Due to someone or father
children are small, their questions can hits mother in front of child, child
be complex. Then parents fell in a gets a bad experience and it negatively
trouble. That is why; some parents affect to the child. Domestic violence
avoid those questions, because they is high, due to drugs and alcohol. The
can’t give a proper answer. If adults best thing which parents should do is
didn’t listen and they ignore children’s to be a good example to their
questions, they will hesitate to ask child/children.
questions and will not learn new Children should be allowed to
things. Therefore parents should ask think and learn themselves. Then the
from another one’s help to answer child becomes intelligent and creative.
those questions. Due to experiences, Those children or people can invent
grandparents have knowledge to new beneficial things and become
answer those. When adults deal with good citizens. The child should be
their child, they should be intelligent. encouraged to go ahead by defeating
Otherwise they become poor. interferences. Sports can teach that
There should be some lesson due to we have to face to
knowledge or experiences to solve a victory as well as defeat in a game.
question or to take a decision. Small Some people even some children tries
children can’t understand right and to commit suicide when they face
wrong. Every child should have some some kind of a defeat. And also some
kind of support from others to game such as chess can improve
improve themselves and to be a good intelligence by allowing thinking.
citizen . When parents do wrong When child couldn’t solve a sum and
things such as scolding elders, or he had solved it wrongly, some
smoking, stealing in front of children, parents or teachers used to scold
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