Page 80 - Mousumi
P. 80
Benefits of being educated: education is the key to solve this
Poverty reduction
An educated person knows how to
Many people living in extreme imply his/her knowledge for the
poverty do not have access to basic benefit of society. In this case,
resources and lack of education is teachers/parents play an important
considered the root cause of poverty. role. They should focus on opening
In this case, a literate person tried to new doors for their students to give
ignore it by doing some basic them knowledge in a practical way.
formalities while an educated person Education is one of the best gifts that
takes some admirable step to reduce we should enjoy it by applying them
it. We have many such examples in in our daily life, not just waste it only
history, who have come up in their by being literate.
life amidst poverty.
The education of a child begins right
2. Reduces gender discrimination from birth. Parents are our first tutors
who teach us discipline, moral ethics,
In many areas, gender-based violence
manners, respect. All of these are the
negatively affects a girl's right to
basic elements that are required to
education. Fear of domestic violence
build a good personality and to be a
deters many girls and women from
productive human being in society.
going to educational institutions. Education is a symbol of integrity in
However, education can also every person. Education helps to
positively affect people's mindset,
mold a person in an optimistic way.
thereby discouraging discrimination.
Education is the essential for today's
Woman safety existing society.
Due to the patriarchal mindset of the *****************************
society, the woman faces
discrimination from many decades
such as child marriage, sexual abuse,
domestic violence, etc. In this case,
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