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                    distancing, the delivery of goods and        The  structure  of  investment  in
                    services  is  a  big  challenge  for         marketing  communication  is  also
                    marketers.  Moreover,  the  review           going  to  change  drastically.  Earlier
                    claims  that  approximately  86  percent     brands used to invest in trade shows,
                    of  surveyed  consumers  regard  their       live  events  in  order  to  promote
                    brands as an essential safety net which      brands  but  with  the  pandemic
                    is  proactively  ready  to  help  the        outbreak,         the        marketing
                    affected  people.  This  implies  that       communication strategies are going to
                    consumers  are  seeking  credibility         transform  as  the  online  channels
                    from the brands that they are ready to       would  be  highly  preferred.  Investing
                    play a vital role in fighting against the    in  virtual  events  such  as  Webinars,
                    pandemic  even  if  it  results  in  huge    Social  media  and  video  streaming
                    financial losses.                            would  help  in  restructuring  the  plan
                                                                 to reach the target market.
                    The next big challenge for the brand
                    is  the  churn  rate  or  brand  switching   During  this  pandemic,  consumer
                    due  to  inefficient  customer  service.     engagement is also a challenge for the
                    According  to  Harvard  Business             brands. Consumer engagement refers
                    review  (2020),  For  instance,  the         to  a  company's  or  brand's  efforts  to
                    difficult  interactions  with  customers     build  relationships  with  consumers
                    on  call  had  only  a  6%  chance  of       through      online     and      offline
                    resulting in sales as compared with a        touchpoints  so  that  consumers  can
                    more  than  80%  chance  that  an  easy      become  the  brand  evangelists.  As
                    interaction  would.  This  implies  that     mentioned       earlier,   personalised
                    responding  to  customers  on  call  has     interaction  with  customers  is  not
                    been more difficult than ever.               possible  in  this  situation  which
                                                                 somewhere is not good for brands.
                    According  to  Forbes  (2020),  another
                    challenge which the brands are facing        STRATEGIES  TO  OVERCOME
                    is   shifting   the    priorities   and      THE CHALLENGES
                    holistically transforming the strategies.
                    For  example,  the  brands  which            There is a plethora of strategies which
                    planned  to  organize  or  attend  trade     brands  can  adopt  in  order  to
                    shows, conferences, or other events in       overcome the challenges of COVID-
                    order  to  reach  the  target  market,  are
                    now     constantly    changing    their      Engage  in  humanitarian  and
                    strategies  from  physical  events  to       ethical  practices:The  consumers
                    virtual  events.  This  poses  a  great      often regard those brands as valuable
                    challenge  specifically  forsmall  brands    and  credible  which  are  engaged  in
                    which  lack  financialstrength  and  it  is   ethical practices. During the situation
                    also  quite  possible  that  training  is    of  lockdown,  the  brand  must  show
                    required to train the employees to go        humanity  towards  employees  by  not
                    digital,  again  it’s  a  cost  bearing      implementing  layoffs.  Rather,  they

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