Page 132 - Mousumi
P. 132
Some jumper wires for Now
connecting. connect all the wires which come
Soldering iron machine from motor to UNOaudio on the
[optional]. ground part to the VCC part using
Marker pens. a jumper wire.
Some required stationery objects. Now
Some decoration items. connect the transmitter on vcc2
And some sticky tapes. and vcc4 part of audio using
jumper wires.
Now our
PROCEDURE:- robot is half ready.
Now we
came to the main part of making a
First, plan and design the shape of robot, now we want to do coding
the robot as per your wish. for the audio robot, now take a
Take a steel plate and stick 4 mobile charging cable to connect
motors usingthe glue gun. it to the audio to your laptop or
Now fix the wheels on the motors. pc.
Make Now on
the body of the robot with pc or laptop go to java program
cardboard or wood piece. and do the coding, you want to
Cover copy the code from the internet of
the body of the robot with the audio program.
decorative papers. You
Now want to copy the program of
take 3volt motor and connect it on features that you want your robot
the body of the robot. to do.
Now At last
make the hands of the robot with of your programming code ended
cardboard and connect it in the you also want to add the program
motors which are fixed on the feature for speaking of the robot
body. through the Bluetooth controlled
Now mobile app.
make the head for the robot. Now the
Nowfix robot programming and wiring are
condenser mic and speakers at the ready.
head part of the robot.