Page 129 - Mousumi
P. 129


               (The  lockdown  being  a  crisp                  things outside us. What comes along
               example)  Think  about  your  day,               with  this  is  a  perpetual  state  of

               check  on  yourself, whether  you  are           insecurity.  But  the  world  we  foster
               keeping  well  or  not.  If  you  aren't         inside of ourselves is perennial. The

               comfortable,  question  that  too.  Is  it       road to self-awareness is long and it
               because  of  the  fear of  being  alone?         sure  is  a  process,  a  gradual  one.  It
               Is  it because being  alone  with  your          will  not  be  easy  and  it  will  not
               thoughts  scare  you? Being  at  peace           happen overnight. But half the battle

               with  our  own  company  comes  only             is  won  the  moment  we  realize  the
               when  we  are  at  peace  from  within.          need  to  be  in  touch  with  our
               Do this often.                                   emotions to be self-aware, to be able

                                                                to reason why we react the way we
               M  for  media,  M  for  madness  -               do,  what  makes  us  uncomfortable
               Studies show that the kind of media              and what is that needs change.

               exposure  we  are  subjected  to  can
               affect  our  mood,  thought  process,
               and even behavior. Media affects us
               without  us  realizing  it.  Especially

               amidst  a  pandemic,  news  channels
               and  all  the  negativity  online  makes
               us  feel  that  the  future  is  extremely

               bleak.  Moreover,  we  tend  to
               compare  ourselves  with  people
               online  and  this  leads  to  anxiety.

               Analyze and see if this happens with             I  conclude  by  quoting  Carl  Jung,
               you.  If  so,  then  distance  yourself          leaving  you  with  something  to
               from      social    media      and     the       ponder upon.

               negativity.  This  will  help  you               "Until  you  make  the  unconscious
               understand  what  dulls  your  mood,
               what  makes  you  anxious,  and  a               conscious, it will direct your life and
                                                                you will call it fate."
               better grip  over the kind  of  content
               you want to subject yourself to.                                    ***

               The rat race of this world makes us

               chase  a  mirage,  makes  us  rely  on

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