Page 83 - Mousumi
P. 83
Homo-sapiens (we the super intellectual
humans), our lives and our
perspective towards it and the most
important, the lives of other people.
It might sound unethical but the real
measurement of one's happiness can
only be measured by looking into
some other person’s life.
To understand this, one must know
the difference between happiness and
satisfaction. When we look at our life,
we can only get satisfaction, while
Happiness is a word derived from the
happiness is derived from some other
parent word “Happy”. It is the external elements that are a part of
opposite word for sadness, it
our life. Calculation or measurement
describes the state of being happy. It of happiness requires the knowledge
is identified as an Abstract noun. A of satisfaction. When one buys the
noun that cannot be counted, cannot best featured mobile phone prevailing
be seen or the noun not having any in the market with his self-owned
quantitative nature. money, then its 70% of satisfaction
and 30% of happiness. In the same
Happiness is a feeling, a delightful
place, where the same phone is gifted
experience that only can be felt
by someone then this proportion
through our inner sense. It is a sense changes to 70% happiness and 30%
of pleasure perceived by one. satisfaction. Thus, it can be
determined that mere possession
This measurement of happiness is not
cannot directly amount to happiness.
an easy task to do. As all our lives
While measuring happiness, the true
revolve around the concept of “who
assessment and evaluation of the
is being happier”. The hunt for more
possessions will give the true value of
or less is satisfied only by measuring happiness. While measuring
the quantity of happiness, happiness, it's on an individual
disregarding its quality. As happiness whether he wants an Inclusive
can only be construed by measuring assessment of happiness or an
it. And consequently, the tally of exclusive assessment of the same.
happiness is being constructed to Therefore, Satisfaction proffers to
keep the measurement correct. happiness but happiness might not do
the same.
To measure happiness the basic
ingredients that one will need are -
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