Page 84 - Mousumi
P. 84
To measure happiness, we must know comparison is very necessary for
the depth of sadness. Sadness is the computing one’s happiness,
empty beaker where we pour all of
our happiness. This amount helps in Comparison with the past will let one
keeping a count on happiness. It is measure his present happiness. Again
the scale under which happiness is the comparison with those lives who
measured under a correct parameter. might not have any chance of
A person cannot measure happiness experiencing happiness will surely
until he is in acquaintance with his help us to measure our tremendous
sadness. A person can always amount of happiness.
compute his happiness based upon
his experience of being sad. One can The formula used for this is simple,
be happy only if he was sad, without cherish for what you have. That
sadness the amount of happiness will means, Counting people, one has with
be of no value, as it would remain as him in both good and bad times.
an equivalent emotion for that Counting those true souls that
person. This balance sheet of life surround one at the time of
depends upon this comparative difficulties. And if it counts to at least
calculation. one person, then add this presence
and company to the happiness
To understand one's happiness’s calculator.
amount, the comparison is very
important. This comparison can be Count the day’s one spends hungry
between the various periods of his and sleepless. If it's null then it can
own life, or it may involve some other surely add up to some more
person’s life or lives or lives of any happiness.
community as a whole. But talking
Count the opportunities one had till
about comparison, one vital
component that shall always be now, if it's more than once, then add
considered is, the base of comparison one more point of happiness in the
tally. Count the nights with a shelter
should always be the same. The
to live, count the days with clean air
happiness of eating an ice-cream for a
and water, count the times not failing
diabetic patient, a poor child, or a
beggar is ten times more than a in the exams, count the times
privileged child or a normal person celebrating a festival, wearing new
dresses, and sitting with the loved
without sugar hike problems.
ones. Count the times of getting
Likewise, the assessment of happiness cured of some illness, count the times
in terms of 1 kg rice will be different of getting the chance to go to school
for a poor man and a middle-class at least. Count the times of taking any
man. Thus, choosing the correct decision for self. Now, add all these
foundation and Standard unit of together.
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