Page 78 - Mousumi
P. 78
How to Use This Lockdown to Know
Yourself Better?
By Eshaduti Dey
God rarely gives a second chance.
The Pandemic is the worst one ever haven't got in more than 100 years. A
in more than 100 years. But, if you second chance. A chance to
have a house to live in, food to eat, introspect and reassess your life and
water to drink, and a job to look goals, a chance to pause and breathe,
forward to next month, consider a chance to realize and change.
yourself privileged. On top of this, a
We spend our whole lives
net connection is a luxury. We have
trying to know the world and its
enough negatives, the economy,
people. But, we hardly ever try to
joblessness, the healthcare crisis, and
know ourselves. We think we know
death. For the sake ofpreserving our
us when we have no idea who we are
sanity, we need to focus on the
and what we want. We go through life
positives as well.
doing what the society has mapped
I know what you're thinking. How for us, ignoring our wishes, most
can you be so selfish when so many times not even knowing what our
migrant workers are dying?! But, your wishes are. Then when we grow old
constant worry cannot help the and we are on our death-bed, we
migrant workers, your help can. And, realize how short life was and had we
to help them you need to be sane. done things differently how little of
The Pandemic may be the worst one what society said would matter
ever in more than 100 years but it has tous.We didn't leave any footprints in
also given us something that people the sands of time, we were just
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