Page 149 - Mousumi
P. 149
employees are working day and night again and bring them to lame light.
to earn their bread and butter and are Many of them who never found time
maintaining the economy in a stable to dedicate their time towards their
way. passion or hobbies such as writing,
drawing , painting have now found
their pen/ painting brush/ pencil and
the sheets to fill them with colours.
Many of the instrumentalists who had
lost their strings and beats have now
found the time to clear off the dust
and play them back once again.
Which would have brought back the
same old happiness and pleasure to
them while playing. A father or
mother who used to work for the
company day and night have now
found the time to open up with their
family . Many architects who would
have spent their life planning
buildings and designs have now gone
back to older days to make small
designs and craft or would have sold
Quarantined life is not that easy to them online. The lock down made
handle out, as there are many people realise the importance of
obstacles and challenges to face. homemade food. People all over have
Sitting in home and not going for any the fantasy to have food once a week.
of the social gatherings with near and But now, people have become more
dear ones is very suffocating for all self aware and have started to respect
the age groups. Starting from tender the home made food. And are
age, adults and even for the old aged avoiding the junk food to keep
people. This situation is a big themselves healthy. As the maids are
challenge for the human kind for not allowed to work in others' houses,
which being sportive is very people have become still more
important and the self confidence at independent in maintaining
this point of time acts as a catalyst in cleanliness and hygiene in their
this critical situation. But to deal the homes. This has made many of them
situation in optimistic way matters the independent. This is how people need
most. For which, engaging ourselves to discover a new lifestyle according
in some interesting manner is to the situation. But there are other
important. Or else, an idle mind sets of people who are struggling with
becomes the devil's workshop. This the lock down issues. Weekend night
lockdown is a golden opportunity to outs, movie theaters were second
rediscover our hidden talents once home for many of the youngsters.
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