Page 140 - Mousumi
P. 140
Stress and Technology
By Chirayu Sharma
to the optimal level but have ever
wondered its consequences on the
human body and mind. Sitting for
long hours in front of screens makes
us fatigue and practically speaking it
makes our metabolism rate slow and
when they see to our stomach belly
we feel angry and frustrated. Thus
giving us stress. One after another
days are passing and lockdown is
In this fast running world, there is a getting extended. We all are using
continuous competition for putting a computers and all this stuff to
step ahead. Because of it, one gets complete our work online, for
frustrated and gets stressed up. But instance, students are having online
gradually as he gets suits to the classes, study material which is also
routine, his mind gets familiar to it. uploaded online, they have to do
Due to stress, one can even go into online projects.
depression and take some wrong
So it's not there fault to spend so
much amount of time on these
The period of the corona pandemic is technological devices, it’s the need of
going on. Works of many people have the hour but are we ready to do so at
stopped and the works are done the cost of the mental health of the
online whether it is related to studies student or any other person. Are we
or any work of the office. They all are ready to compromise? As we all know
from home. As humans are becoming the lockdown exists and the people
technologically friendly, they are are not allowed to break it, people are
devoting maximum times, hours and confined, feel like in captive of prison
hours to screens of devices such as and in this situation, they are having
computers, laptops, smart phones, no other work just to complete the
etc. Corona hashelped India to work designated to them by there
become digital India in small time. respective principles (teacher,
professor, boss, employer, etc )in a
But, its like 2 sides of the coin. Its
requisite time, which is online for
good that we are using our technology
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