Page 77 - Mousumi
P. 77
How Language Can Create Unity?
By H.D. Manthi Thulara De Silva
individual became hyper focussed one
beating one another rather than
walking side by side in harmony. In
their haste to be “number one”
people lose the ability to
communicate effectively and
efficiently to one another.
Language once was a melodious tune
which promoted diversity and has
now become, in my opinion one of
the biggest barriers to a united world.
Many problems in the world resemble
The Earth and all the living beings a mountain that was developed from
on it have evolved over million years a mole hill, due to the fact that they
into what they are today. The biggest could not express themselves to one
strides in evolution have been made another in a way which was
by mankind. Mankind has not only completely clear and concise. People
increased in number but has also nowadays are equipped to hear but
managed to increase the problems in not listen. The different languages
the world by inflicting pain and spoken all around the world also
suffering on the Earth and everyone serves as fuel that aggravates on
around them. already burning fire.
An example that is close to my heart People are already separated by many
is a story about my beloved country different things which include but are
told to me by my loving grandmother. not limited to colour of your skin, the
As a child my grandmother was a part race and religion you are born into.
of a wonderful community that Everyone learns to speak the language
appreciated and revealed in being a thought to them by their parents and
diverse group of people. Over time then by their school. I believe it’s
things such as race and religion which important for all children in the world
once did not matter, started driving a to be taught one universal language in
wedge between people. The wedge is which all will be fluent in. This will
driven in further by lack of promote better understanding
communication and the different between people as they will all be able
languages people spoke. Just like the to communicate in one language.
Earth the mannerisms’ people also There will no longer be anyone left in
evolved over time. The “human the dark because they did not
race” actually became a “race”. Every
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