Page 75 - Mousumi
P. 75
How to Cope With The Current Food
By Mahlet Bizuneh
Moreover, growing fruits is a little
harder than growing vegetables, so I
thought of sharing my successful
experiment of growing strawberries,
which are one of the most popular,
sweet, and refreshing fruits available.
In order to grow your
strawberries at home you will need a
paper towel or a tissue paper, a plastic
bag, a plant pot, water, fertile yet
slightly acidic soil(soil can be acidified
by adding compost), a place with
sunlight, and of course a strawberry.
Have you been pondering about Since there are myriad types of
what we can do to overcome the food strawberries, the first step is to choose
shortage caused by the COVID-19 the type of strawberry you are going
crisis? Well, an effective solution is to grow. If you want your
home gardening, which is the practice strawberries to be big and be
of growing and cultivating plants in produced in a large amount you can
one’s home. It acts as a relaxing use the June bearer strawberries,
activity to keep us away from the which can only be produced in June.
tensions of this crisis; furthermore, it But if you want your strawberries
can have a great role to ease climate daily, I recommend you use the day-
change. neutral strawberries, though, they are
In this essay, I am going to smaller than June bearer strawberries.
explain how to make a garden at your The second step is to separate the
home step by step. Although this seeds from its actual fruit. To do this
method of growing plants from their you are going to peal the strawberry
seed applies to most fruits and sheath using a razor-sharp knife. Lay
vegetables like lime, tomato, grapes, that sheath on the paper towel or the
and others, I will be demonstrating tissue paper and place the paper towel
this method using a strawberry seed. in a safe place with no moisture,
You might be wondering why I chose preferably a windowsill. After two or
this fruit for this essay. The reason is three days, you will notice that the
that it contains an adequate amount seeds go up, making them easier to
of nutrition and antioxidants making remove, as the fruit goes down. This
them reduce the risk of having heart is because the fruit has lost its
disease, diabetes, and cancer. moisture over those two or three
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