Page 122 - Mousumi
P. 122


                     The Santa Claus Village | The Ultimate


                                                   By Bhupasmita Das

                    Most  of  us  are  fond  of  travelling,     23 rd is  another  important  date  of  the
                    even if not travelling we at least love      year when Santa leaves on his mission
                    to visit new places and explore them.        to  distribute  presents  to  his  children
                    The  whole  world  is  beautiful  but  I     all around the world.
                    guess     dreams,      fantasies     or      HOW TO REACH:
                    imaginations  are  always  better  or        It’s not very difficult to reach Santa’s
                    more  beautiful  then  what  reality  can    village if you reach Rovaniemi city, as
                    be.  I  dream  of  travelling  the  whole    there  are available  taxi,  cars  to  reach
                    world but in this beautiful world there      there.  It  can  also  be  reached  with  a
                    is a world not much real  yet so real,       local  bus  number  8  or  by  Santa’s
                    it’s a place where dreams meet reality       express which leave every hour from
                    and  that  place  is The  Santa  Claus       Rovaniemi  City  Centre.  It  is  one  of
                    Village.                                     the best  known  tourist  spot and
                    HISTORY :                                    resort in today’s times. It is home to
                    Yes,  the  beautiful  amusement  park        several    activity   centres,   shops,
                    located in Rovaniemi, Lapland region         restaurants,  reindeer  rides,  holiday
                    of Finland. It was first opened in 1985      village, igloo hotel etc.
                    and  is  located  nearly  about  2           ATTRACTIONS:
                    kilometres  from  the  Rovaniemi             There are few things that I have heard
                    Airport. The place is actually believed      one must not miss in the Santa Claus
                    to be the home of our loving Santa           Village, firstly the Santa Claus Main
                    Claus.  The  place  is  in  the  Arctic      Post-office.  It’s  a  real  post  office
                    Circle  and  every  year  thousands  of      functioned     by    Posti,   Finland’s
                    visitors go to meet Santa Claus there.       national  postal  service  but  designed
                    The  ambience  of  the  place  is  similar   like  something  coming  out  of  the
                    to that of what we have always read in       story books, there are people dressed
                    our  story  books.  The  magical  world      as  elves.  We  can  send  cards  to  our
                    attracts more than 500,000 visitors all      friends and relatives at anytime of the
                    over the world. Although the place is        year and the elves will make sure that
                    famous  all  though  the  year  but  a       it  gets  delivered  at  the  time  of
                    month before Christmas, the eyes of          Christmas.  Each  letter  also  gets  a
                    the  world  turn  towards  the  Santa        special  Arctic  Circle  postmark  which
                    Claus Village, as Santa himself invites      makes      it   unique.    There     are
                    his  people  to  his  place.  December       also Snowmobile

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