Page 97 - Mousumi
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               thoughts  may  be  more  distressing             The  lack  of  structure  in  the face of
               than ever.                                       uncertainty  can  cause  you  to  feel

                                                                anxious.  So,  create  a  schedule  and
               Ergo, it is important to take a minute           incorporate  healthy  activities  into
               and  check  in  with  yourself  and              your  day.  It  is  essential  that  while

               acknowledge  your  emotions  and                 creating  a  schedule  you  do  not
               fears. Sitting with your emotions and            compare your productivity to that of
               to  allow  any  feelings  to  exist              others  but  try  to  do  activities  that

               alongside  whatever  actionable  steps           you gain joy from. Take time out for
               you  are  taking  is  necessary,  as             activities that you relish. Find some
               conceding and thus facing your fears             time to add value to your day. Read

               in  times  of  disquietude  instead  of          a book, watch a comedy, play a fun
               ignoring  and  letting  them  build-up           board game or videogame, exercise,
               will  provide  a  sense  of  relief.  We         clean  your  room,  take  a  long  bath,

               need  to  allow  ourselves  space  and           meditate, practice yoga, learn a new
               patience to process the emotions that            hobby  like  origami,  have  a  solo
                                                                dance party, do gardening, sing your

               Feeling  anxious,  irritability,  lack  of       heart out, make something- whether
               concentration as well as fear due to             it is a new recipe, a craft, or a piece
               uncertainty  is  a  valid  response.             of art. Even take a nap if you want

               Whenever  you  feel  yourself  getting           to.  Stay  active-  as  physical  activity
               caught  up  in  these  emotions  and             can  reduce stress  and  also  keep  the
               fear, which might happen a little too            body  and  mind  fresh.  It  doesn‟t

               often; focus your shift to things you            matter  what  you  do  as  long  as  it
               can     control.     Washing       hands,        takes  you  out  of  your  worries  and
               maintaining  good  hygiene, ensuring             makes you feel joyous.
               you  have  enough  and  correct                  During this time of a pandemic, it is

               information,  eating  healthy,  and              also  important to stay  informed  but
               following  all  possible  preventive             don‟t  obsessively  check  the  news.

               measures  can  help  prevent  health             Stay informed so that you can follow
               anxiety to a large extent. Whenever              advised  safety  precautions  and  do
               you  catch  yourself  thinking  about            your  part  to  slow  the  spread  of  the
               the  worst-case  scenario,  shift  your          virus.    Howbeit,       sensationalistic

               focus  onto  manageable,  doable,                coverage  only  feeds  into  fear.
               solution-focused things that can help            Continuously  watching  the  news
               with anxiety, and also help establish            about „death tolls‟ or „rapid spread‟

               a consistent routine.

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