Page 102 - Mousumi
P. 102
bonding has increased during this childhood days. Though I watch
lockdown. cricket matches even now, it‟s been
2). In the evenings during sunset we years since I played cricket. With
started this habit of spending time in my son being a cricket freak he
our apartment terrace to breathe in exhibits his talents in the game by
some fresh air and chit chat among teaching me some shots and how to
us. I share with him the memories of bowl. We also broke a chandelier in
how we used to spend time on the our living room during one of our
same terrace playing with his practice sessions adding to many of
puzzles, colouring activities and our lockdown atrocities list!
other games when he was a toddler.
I have now taught him to play 6). While my husband and I are busy
“pandi”(hopscotch game) as is with our office work, we motivate
called in Tamil and we play it at him to sit beside us and do his online
least on alternate days. Once I start homework given by his school
going to the office I am sure I will teachers. It‟s indeed a sight to
not get this time except on behold, when all the three of us sit in
weekends. the same room each at one corner
engrossed in our own respective
3). I had always wanted to inculcate work.
the habit of reading books in him.
Though he reads at times, he doesn‟t 7). He also spends a lot of quality
take it too seriously. But this time with his paternal grandparents
lockdown has changed that. He has and his great grandmother since all
been reading at least a few pages of us are at home the whole day.
just to keep him engaged when my
husband and I are busy with our Apart from the above mentioned
work in the mornings. What I had activities which brought out the
tried to achieve for long, got mother side of me, I would like to
fulfilled now!! bring forth, how, I as an
individual managed the lockdown
4). With the great epics Ramayana effectively:
and Mahabharatha being re
telecasted in the television, he 1). As right now we are restricted to
started showing great interest in cook with only the available items, I
watching it. He also remembers started trying new recipes leaving all
some of the prominent characters my inhibitions and keep torturing
from each epic now. people at home. Jokes apart, it has
given me confidence that I too can
5). I have played street cricket cook new recipes deliciously during
during my childhood days and then the first try itself especially when
with my younger brother during his people at home are so appreciative.