Page 32 - Mousumi
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               I  am  passionate  to  say:  "Be  a              mysteries  of  time  and  space.  But  if
               warrior, not a worrier."                         this  power  is  misused  to  sin,  it

                                                                becomes  uncontrollable  and  leads
               What is the impact of „Meditation‟?              the devotee astray.
               :  What  controls  the  restlessness  of

               the  mind  is  meditation.  In  the              Benefits:  It  reduces  stress,  anxiety,
               biological context, it is linked to the          high  blood  pressure,  forgetfulness,
               broadness  of  gray  matter  of  the             sleeping     issues,    and     upgrades

               brain,  which  promotes  emotional               emotional  health,  self-awareness,
               stability  and  strengthens  focus               kindness,      attention,    etc.    like
               during  life.  As  per  the  study  of           problems  in  our  daily  dealings.

               researchers,  it  can  develop  the              Besides  this  it  can  also  help  us  to
               brain's  functioning  magnificently              govern  the  way  how  we  deal  with
               and  starts  coming  out  positive               the  physical  world,  to  manage  our

               results.                                         basic  need  for  stability,  to  explore
                                                                our  creativity,  to  reinforce  the
                Nature has created many bodies on               personal  agency  and  self-esteem,
               earth in which the human body is the             and  to  regulate  our  communication

               rarest  one  because;  it  has  the              and  expression  with  understanding
               treasury of such inbuilt power that is           and confidence.
               not  in  others,  irrespective  of  any

               religion  caste  and  creed.  Until  this        Self  Idea:  The  thing  that  I  want  to
               power  is  awakened  and  controlled             conclude is the work should be done
               through      meditation,     in    bodies        without  friction.  Some  people

               essential  nodes;  there  are  seven             complain  that  they  have  broken
               nodes  i.e.  „The  Root  Cycle‟,  „The           down  due  to  overwork.  In  the
               Sacral  Cycle‟,  „The  Solar  Plexus             majority  of  such  cases,  the  break-
               Cycle‟,  „The  Heart  Cycle‟,  „The              down  is  the  result  of  foolishly

               Throat Cycle‟, „The Third eye cycle‟             wasted  energy.  To  become  angry,
               and „The Crown Cycle‟ respectively,              greedy,  jealous,  anxious,  or  excited

               it  is  useless.  When  powers  are              and worry over needless details is to
               awakened,  all  the  nodes  in  the              invite  breakdown.  Meditation  can
               human  body  full  a  charge  of                 help to work with a steady and calm
               luminous  energy.  It  is  the  state  of        persistency,  freed  from  all  the

               such        bliss      where        man's        inharmonious  state  of  mind  to
               consciousness transcends the limit of            accomplish  far  more  than  the  man
               beginning  to  end.  It  is  the  ultimate       who  is  always  hurried  and  anxious

               consciousness  that  illumines  the

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