Page 156 - Mousumi
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stressful conditions. S- Such tough situations.
2. Control your breathing and it
can help in lowering blood 7. Challenge your thoughts. Come
pressure and can also calm the up with an alternative thought.
nervous system. Don't overthink or focus on the
3. Relax your muscles. Progressive negative part and do not jump to
muscle relaxation (PMR) helps conclusions.
in reducing physical tension and 8. Take a bath as hydrotherapy has
deals with insomnia. been considered a powerful
4. Going outside for a walk can strategy for stress relieving.
help in reducing stress levels. Imagine all your problems going
Natural scenes increase out of the drain with the water.
serotonin and boosts happiness. 9. Keeping a positive attitude
5. Meditation is the best way to towards your problems such as
cope up with stress. It helps the "This too shall pass" really helps
person to stay in the present, not in dealing with hard situations.
the future or the past. 10. Keep a diary with you and pen
6. Be positive. Don't let the down all your problems which
negativity around you get inside helps in clearing your mind and
you and weigh you down. will help you in developing a
Even the word stress contains two positive outlook towards life.
meanings. It depends on the person 11. Talk to someone about your
what he wants to choose. problems. Maybe that person
can give a solution for that
S-Starting problem or issue and if not, then
T-Thinking too much about also a burden will weigh off
your shoulders.
R-Rubbish things 12. Cut down the amount of alcohol
E-Engulfing ourselves in or caffeine you drink.
13. Practice and learn some self-care.
S-Some tiring 14. Practice your problem solving
Skills as it can prove beneficial
for people to deal with their
Or problems and will help them in
coping with the stress.
R-Regretting about past times
E-Exhausting yourself is not the
S-Satisfactory thing to do during
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