Page 57 - Mousumi
P. 57
Which step have you reached till The youth are at the supreme of their
now???? health, full of energy, and are a
storehouse of power. The power of
As human nature, we tend to care for
youths is unequivocal. There is a
others. As during driving a four-
need to look after the need of this
wheeler if someone while crossing by
storehouse of power & giving them
the lane, comes suddenly under your
proper guidance about organ
vehicle then you just turn the wheel
donation so that they can meet new
opposite way to save his/her life
challenges & higher goods are set for
though he/she is a stranger. Then,
the future.
why not in organ donation?
Advertisements, TV media,
The solution lies in educating the
newspapers & Nowadays, new social
people. When they realize that
online sites like WhatsApp, Facebook,
alcohol or drug is not heaven that
and Instagram can spread information
they taste, but hell with all its horrors
about organ donation within a few
imperceptible, they will accept their
folly & give up their habits which led
to a lot of health hazards & ultimately Each day, a total of 15 people die
organ donation as the need of time. because they do not receive an organ
So, change can come when the transplant. So, APRIL is
government which is interest in considered to be NATIONAL
collecting taxes for these shops to DONATE LIFE MONTH & 13th
balance its budget deficit, may not do August being celebrated as
much in this regard. ORGAN DONATION DAY to
spread more and more awareness
And the important reason for lack of
regarding it & to eliminate the
organ donation is FAMILY
false idea that. If I inscribe to be a
REFUSAL. So, family education is
donor, doctors won't work as hard to
the main goal of achieving organ
save my life. And to erase another
donation without fears.
idea of donating organs by an illegal
Planning is the key to development in process.
India. So, planning regarding how to
'You don't have to wear a white coat
spread and make awareness of organ
every time to save the lives, only a
donation. To conduct events
donation can make it!’
regarding organ donation, I have
joined a new campaign group which is The word DONATION itself
my next social help. It is like a spider depicts as-
web with one good thought
connecting 1000 helping hands.
O-Oath which is
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