Page 53 - Mousumi
P. 53
How to Understand Art
By Anushka Umrani
the piece. The piece blends the
viewer’s imagination with the artist's
conception to give birth to a feeling
of universal harmony.
History has been witness that art
shapes society in many important
ways. Paintings of the French
revolution still radiate a stimulating
momentum that urges the viewer to
get a better view of reality. These
pieces have been the messengers of
“Art completes what nature cannot liberty to the illiterate class who
bring to finish”. These words uttered majorly interpreted illustrations for
by Aristotle in the long and lingering ready awareness. Art has also been a
past ring bells is the truth even today. unifying bond in highly organized
The lush history of art that surrounds societies, earning heartfelt
us today like a virtual atmosphere appreciation for pieces depicting
reveals that the essence of art lies in ordinary life, even from those who
the viewer’s understanding of it. were considered to be of noble birth.
With great power comes great
The fulcrum of soulful art is the
responsibility. With its serene might,
appreciation offered by the observer.
art also shoulders the responsibility of
More the sense made by a piece of art
appealing to society. A painting
more is the level of accurate grasping
depicting social sorrow or issues
of the viewer.
requests the observers to change the
It is well said that beauty lies within hearts and put ant’s share of efforts in
the eyes of the beholder. The key to bringing a change.
understanding art is to know that art
Sometimes art conveys a message to
talks. It has the potential to give the
the viewer - may it be in the guise of
wordless descriptions of the mindset
information about a place, a person,
of the artist. The viewer is presented
an event in the past, or a future
with the tunnel that traverses the
prophecy. A piece of art is an open
artist’s mind, his moods and
sanctuary where the viewer is allowed
intentions in the process of making
to loiter until he reaches the zenith of
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