Page 35 - Mousumi
P. 35
Weaver: Special Edition dedicated to ASPAM
Need of coaching
Meet Soni, ASPAM IIS
When we hear the word called Coaching? What comes in our mind? According to
me coaching means training, getting more practice and to be lead by an elder who
knows better than you .Why do we need coaching?
coach has its own style of teaching
We need coaching for our good to be some are strict and some are polite
better in some activities like sports, and friendly.
studies etc. We should get a coach There is one thing when you
when we are stuck, when we are want coaching you should have
comfortable and when we are scared. determination because it is the key to
The benefits of coaching are that we success. I can say that coaching is
get daily exercise and get better and very beneficial because when I was in
excellent in the activity we like. How grade 5 I had a lot of problem in
does coaching help in our daily life? sports when go to the completions
Coaching helps in our daily life but when I met a coach named Nicart
because it makes us a good listener he thought me to be confident and
and also helps us to be a good leader not be nervous. He also made my
to others. As we know all around the table tennis skills better. Therefore
world there are so many coaches so it now I prefer everyone should have a
doesn’t mean that we should go with coach in their life because everyone is
the best coach because every not perfect.