Page 82 - Mousumi
P. 82

healing & happiness. The other vivid central idea of the story
        can be-

        “There is a sufficiency in the world for man’s need but not for

        man’s greed”. Greed makes man blind & foolish, & makes him
        an  easy  prey  for  unbearable  sufferings.  Though  initially
        seeming unlikely, eventually Mr. Vaken’s transition from good

        to bad becomes one of the most believable character arcs of
        the story.

        Last but not the least, the climax of the novel is all about the

        act of forgiveness, basic goodness & righteousness of mankind.
        But,  as  this  behaviour  showing  high  moral  standards  is
        exhibited  by  the  ghost  in  the  present  story,  hence  the  title-

        “Perfect goodness of Ghost” is apt.

        Let’s stop the cycle of passing on pain with acts of forgiveness

        through EMPATHY…!

                  “The best revenge is not to be like your enemy”

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