Page 6 - Mousumi
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what kind of innovation that could condition so that customers will be
make the product stand out than the satisfied.
others. For instance, there are Marketing is the key. With marketing,
numerous automotive companies, entrepreneurs could reach their target
however, each of them has different audience and attract them into buying
kinds of preferences, models, and their products. Nowadays, one of the
specifications due to knowing their most effective ways to advertise a new
target audience as well as specialty. business is by using the internet, since
Some automotive companies offer 57% of the world’s population has the
sports cars, for those who love sports access to the internet, hence it is more
cars and some of them offer regular likely for the company to be known in
cars which are for the people who use a wide range. Advertising could also
cars for their daily needs, not for their be in a physical form, which includes
interests. printing brochures, posters,
magazines, etc. This type of
advertising could reach people from
local areas. Although the audience is
smaller than the internet, physical
advertising could make a great impact
on a new company.
Next, calculate the budget that the
company needs. This budget
calculation includes the product,
packaging, shipping charges, rent (not
needed if the store is online), and
advertising (if needed). Separate them
into two, fixed costs and variable
The final step is to launch the
costs. Fixed costs are expenses which
product. The company could start
price never changes while variable
producing the items and it is ready to
costs change every month. It could be
parents, friends, or any other close be placed in stores and the products
relatives. Plan how to refund the are ready to be bought by many
people. Remember, when first starting
money that the investors gave. If
a business, the profit might be a little
possible, write a business plan and
present it to potential investors. When but gradually one will benefit.
the fund is enough, buy the necessary
tools and materials that will be needed
throughout the product making
process. Pre-owned equipment might
be a good idea since the price tends to
be cheaper than new equipment.
Make sure all of the items are in good
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