Page 89 - Mousumi
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everyday household items. Some definitely understand it. From
common objects present in our making the water filter to a working
house, which can be used by kids are robot. You can use these commonly
the following:- available items. No worry about
buying materials from outside.
Used cardboard for mounting
your project. The Science project is an
Old clothes educational activity. It enhances the
Wooden or metal pieces mental level and logical thinking of
Motors, fans and plastic body
from broken or old toys an individual. Science projects
battery from toys influence the child and introduce
using broken mobile phone parts him/her to the interesting world of
used pen, pencil waste science. Science is using things that
Old wires are available and making something
Used plastic bottle, plastic innovative out of them, this is what
containers, metal cans and many true science. One should focus on
more discoverable things
this rather than spending money.
Innovation can also be done from
household items. Using different
mediums for making projects is also
an innovation. So, I would request
young scientists to not explore
pockets of their parents, explore the
world of science. Use household
In the viewpoint from science, usage items as far as possible. Best of luck
of these items can also reduce the for your further science project
production of waste, Saves energy, made only by household items.
saves the environment and reduces
pollution. These points should also
be discussed with kids and explain ***
the ongoing crisis. They will
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