Page 60 - Mousumi
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                       lose  their  purpose.  You  just                show your worth to others as
                       need  to  be  afraid  about  the                well  as  yourself.  Several

                       way  you  will  impact  the                     people  in  this  world  are  not
                       mindset  of  a  person  who                     even given a chance to speak

                       listens to your words until the                 up  about  the  injustice  hurled
                       end.  Any  kind  of  fear                       over them, far distant being a
                       exceeding  that  level  is  mere                speech. So, when you are in it
                       baloney.                                        do not count it as just another

                                                                       phase  of  your  lifetime,  but  a
                   (5.)        Research to the core                    phase of your lifetime.

                       With the advent of the World                 (7.)       Do make an interactive
                       Wide  Web  and  cheaper                         design  of  the  events  you  are
                       internet  facilities,  one  can                 about to unfold on the stage
                       easily  navigate  through  every

                       chunk  of  information  they                    If the time and place allow do
                       want. While preparing a Talk                    come  up  with  a  set  of  2
                       to  remember,  you  do  need  to                PowerPoint  presentation  for

                       research  in  a  way  that  after               your       presentation.      One
                       that you are confident enough                   carrying  a  bunch  of  graphics
                       to  make  a  layman  come  in                   relevant to your speech, which

                       terms  with  the  change  you                   is  meant  for  your  audience
                       want.  You  don‟t  need  to  put                and the other carrying the key
                       up all your research in the talk                aspects      you      want      to

                       and make it a long and boring                   emphasize,  which  is  relevant
                       one, it‟s just needed to act as a               for  yourself  as  you  will  go
                       confidence  booster  and  help                  through  the  latter  one  before
                       you  overcome  the  barrier  of                 your  presentation.  This  very

                       mental ineptness.                               strategy  will  help  you  avoid
                                                                       being off the mark from your

                   (6.)        Own the stage                           virtues  and  build  a  sense  of
                                                                       professionalism. If the ppt and
                       Getting  a  stage  to  perform  is              any  kind  of  electronic  media
                       almost  every  artist‟s  dream                  are  not  relevant  to  the  place,

                       and it‟s quite a difficult task to              then make a hard copy of the
                       reach on to a  platform  where                  ppt meant for you and put it in
                       you  are  given  a  chance  to                  your front pocket and keep on

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