Page 43 - Mousumi
P. 43
it sounds good, but that‟s wrong. time with various children sets great
Getting out of this wrong perception examples, and is an excellent way to
is not an easy task because we have start. Hobbies like singing, dancing,
made our lives dependent on painting, and many more can help
scientific know-how. But remember people get entertained. In that way,
this; don't go to the internet to search they won't have to use much
for a remedy. Please, don't because technology. If we all come together,
you are ruining what we are trying we can design a great project that
to do. can surely change people's habits.
We can enable the media companies
The steps we can take to avoid this to halt the working of all apps on a
syndrome might seem painless, but specific day so that people can stay
as we try it out, we can find how phone-less and recognize the
addicted we are to technology. The significance of our objective. If we
key to avoiding these damaging can't change people, we have to
outcomes is to never give up on change the technology. When
trying. Let's think about this: what technology halts for at least one day,
do we think about quitting social people will have no other go but to
media for a week or a month? When do something else. To sum up,
we start doing this for a week, we people might start getting used to
can limit our phone-time. If we try doing old school activities.
talking to different people, we can
develop a new habit of expressing Digital zombie syndrome is crucial
emotions. Going to various places to notice, and we have to help each
with a gang can help with using our other get out of it or avoid being hit
time without media. Such actions by it. If it stays out of our
can avoid loneliness and timidity. consideration, the world will have a
Most kids of today are facing this zombie apocalypse, and we will
problem, and they start to sit in the never have someone to talk to for
same place with a device that causes the rest of our lives. When this
health problems and mental disorder gets too far, it can also
intricacies. Social interaction result in deaths. Rationally speaking,
improves heart and brain we can't let ourselves fall prey to
functioning. Technology is always such a circumstance when all we
going to be there, so we don't have have to do is limit device usage.
to stop using it right away yet we Only if we start something new and
have to reduce usage time. Spending spread the word to our nearest and
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