Page 69 - Mousumi
P. 69
How to Deal With Negativity?
By Dhruv Roongta
teacher, or colleagues, they will
Negativity is a perennial subject. It
criticize you. It is impossible to be
has to be since the existence of man,
perfect, and hence impossible to
and everyone inevitably faces it. But
avoid criticism. But the right mindset
what differentiates the average person
is to not take this criticism the wrong
from a successful one is how they
way; Think of it this way: The more
deal with negativity.
criticism you hear, and the more you
work on improving thanks to that
criticism, the closer you are to being
perfect. Sure, often criticism is not
expressed most nicely, and it can hurt
one's feelings, but try to ignore that.
The better you are at ignoring
criticism, the more successful you will
be. There are many ways of ignoring
All well-known leaders in the world negativity, and here are a few:
faced pessimism, but they dealt with it
and that was the recipe for their
success. Albert Einstein was belittled
as a child, yet he developed into the
most famous physicist. Steve Jobs was
hurled out of his own company, and
yet he founded one of the biggest
companies in the world. Michael Try Yoga or meditation. Many
Jordan, the famous basketball player, researchers have found that
was continuously rejected by his meditation helps the mind
coach as a kid. These are a few of concentrate and relax, and this can be
many examples, and with the right extremely useful in times of stress!
instructions, you too can overcome Make it a habit to meditate and trust
that negativity! me, you will see the difference.
First, one needs to understand that Sport! Many of you are probably
there is no way to shun negativity. It already doing sport regularly, but for
is everywhere, and impossible to those who aren't, sport is a great
avoid. Whether it be your boss, solution. The sport takes your mind
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