Page 133 - Mousumi
P. 133
day, month, or a year. I mean come you think this way then you are
on people think for yourself. Is this wrong. Learning to say no means
what it actually should be? People setting priorities for yourself and then
behave as though the world is going deciding what should be done.
to end tomorrow. If this is the case Moving onto a different aspect now.
then I am afraid to say that people You have 24 hours a day and 7 days a
themselves are having a week. OH lord, my almighty! What do
misconception of having balanced we do in such a limited time?
their work as well as life. Demand laying themselves as
Let us forget this debating concept. whereby we are expected to exercise,
Throwing light on certain questions sleep, managing the various social
that generally come to the minds of events that come our way, and living
the people when it comes to up to the expectations of the work
balancing anything in life are demand, family demands, personal
probably: Am I competitive enough pursuits so on, and so forth.
to shine out in the era of boundless Sometimes a situation would also
cut-throat competition? Where do I arise whereby you would end up
stand in life? Should I earn more? Is feeling that all trusts have dignity at
my present income sought fully work policies, you might also feel
accepted by my family? Is my family bullied actually if too much pressure
happy with me? If people keep having is exerted on you to undertake more
the thought of others then where are extra work. Therefore in such a case,
you for yourself? a trick to keep yourself as well as your
We have 3 personal resources and life at home comfortable is setting up
they are time, energy, and money. a strategy that could help you to
Now! Question mark, question mark, manage your work and family. An
question mark? People are like what example supported hereby could be
do we do now? So hereby are some when a person knows that his family
solutions attached which could learn needs him and his work also cannot
to manage your time, make use of the be ignored. So?Now? Sit back and
technology at your service, start watch what happens thinking that
making flexible schedules for yourself, OH MY GOD. I am certainly in a
always be present, consistent and fix? Rather a dilemma? Trust me it's
accountable, do not procrastinate, do not so.
things right away, don't keep things Get up. Buckle up, pull up your
for tomorrow. This is because socks, and tell yourself that it's time to
tomorrow never comes. prove myself. So, get along move
A very important point that I would ahead and help yourself rather than
like to bring to the reader's notice is sitting and waiting for an opportunity
that people should set boundaries for or a solution to come and knock your
themselves. Moreover, learn to say doors. If the example that I quoted is
No at some point in time. Saying no taken under consideration then the
doesn't mean refusing to do work. If rather option could be to work from
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