Page 7 - Mousumi
P. 7
Weaver: Special Edition dedicated to ASPAM
challenges are mushrooming witnessing the first ever alien life. As
everywhere and it’s hard to achieve the space race had begun
big giant dreams. Nevertheless, with astoundingly, superpowers like United
the proportionate perseverance, hard States, India, Russia and China are
work, universality, accessibility and rushing to land on the Red Planet or
transparency, things are always Mars. Hopefully, the outer space will
realistic. My viable targets throughout not be weaponized and remain
my journey is being crowned as an accessible to all nations equally.
United Nation ambassador and a I am also determined to reform
Nobel Laureate award winner. I the United Nation specifically the
hereby strongly believe in the veto system, adherence of
principle that all humans regardless of international laws, and outpacing
their financial status, creed, and peacekeeping instead of
ethnicity deserve an equal respect and warmongering. Enough of being a
fulfilment of rule of law and bystander seeing atrocities,
fundamental human rights. Simply ecoterrorism, and bioterrorism,
put, I want to catalyse all the 17 committed unceaseleessly. It’s time to
Sustainable Development Goals. be culminated as an upstander, who
Luckily, I am an outstanding courageously stand against any form
student both academically and of violation of both domestic and
cocuricullarly. A promising and intercontinental laws.
marvellous symptom and sign for an We must encourage the
aspiring youth. Coincidentally, I have development of unifying and
a huge network of friends and peers lifesaving technologies rather than
which provides me an elevated celebrating the advancement of mass
supporting environment. weapon destruction. If I can mobilize
Moving on, about my all the environmental ministers
secondary profession which is worldwide to intensify their
astrobiology. Since child, I love commitment towards nature and
discussing about astronomy especially disinvest polluting energy source,
regarding extra-terrestrial life.I then it’s an astronomical feat. Imagine
envision on exploringthe ever- actions starts to multiply just like
expanding universe until the edges, uncontrolled cell division, then the
just like the weirdo but impressive World Happiness Index, Peace Index,
scientists that you watch in series of Sustainability Rank will all rise
science fiction films. As my homeland automatically.
Malaysia isin dire need of bright and To sum up, I will ensure my
talented astronomers, I can bring my dream career is achieved and work
nation’s space agency to greater hard in overcoming all the barriers
heights. Who knows, one day human that lies ahead.
race had the golden chance of eye