Page 18 - Mousumi: Unbelievable Transformation
P. 18
By the time, they reached Jovia mansion, the sun had
completely set. It was a peaceful Sunday evening. The
warm, favourable atmosphere added to the feeling of
serenity. Jovia mansion looked impressive as it was newly
constructed with marble floor, spiral staircase, long
hallway leading to the courtyard, large wooden double
door and royal outdoor hanging lanterns. Mansion’s
interior was just as unique as its exterior. The house with
great charm, elegance and style created visual excitement
in the mind of Mr. Kelin Joff. Jovia mansion was like a
Palace-inspired house. Mr. Kelin Joff, a big-boned
enthusiastic sportsman of 47 with a lot of tattoes on his
body was captivated by the interior design and
decoration of the house. His arrival caused a flurry of
Mr. Anomish’s family comprised of five members in all
including his better-half, Mrs. Andy Jovia, a promising
dietician by profession, a woman of refinement and
gentle manners, his eldest son, Ezimess Jovia, a boy of 15,
his another descendant of 13, Fobdi Jovia and last but
not the least his only daughter, the dearest one in the
family, an adorable female, Sam Sherivi Jovia. But, the
family friend, Mr. Kelin Joff was about to stay in the
Jovia mansion for two months to spend his holiday break
so as to enjoy three indispensable R’s – REST,
delivered to the guest room. The dwellers of the house